Associate Business Analyst, Kaseya software
Hey, In this blog I am going to tell you my journey in the field of data science.
Hope you find it helpful
I was born and brought up at Jodhpur, now we reside at Bangalore. My dad is a Businessman and has a great support of my brother while my mom is a homemaker. My sister is married and helps in her inlaw’s business of Silver- goods. I have always been a very average student academically. After 12th, I pursued BBA from Acharya Institute, specialization being Marketing. It was once during my tenure at college, when Omkar visited us and conducted a workshop. He got us too involved in the program. This is when I came across Business Toys. Omkar took up live examples of Mc-Donalds, Xiomi and other such companies. He gave in depth insights of the company’s model and their working.
I got so engrossed from within that I took up the Business Analytics course then and there. And then, I must tell you there was no turning back.
When I began learning, I could see actual business models in front of me, I started understanding perspectives and this widened my thought process and vividified my approach. By the time I completed the course, I wanted to learn more and then I enrolled for Advanced Business Analytics.The more I learnt, the more I wanted to learn. My degree got over at Acharya Institute, post which I started looking for a job and I really found myself quite ready for the market in the Analytics domain. I landed at Kaseya as a Process Analyst. I believe I was already aware enough in the field, and considering the quality of my work, enthusiasm and knowledge, I was promoted as Associate Business Analyst with a big fat hike within months.
So, the biggest reason for me to choose Business Toys over others was Omkar sir. He is the reason why I am in this domain. He left such an impression on me, I got really motivated. Back in 2017, he not only took care of the business but was very much involved as a mentor as well. He had an amazingly different passion for teaching that nobody could match. He himself, along with Utam sir had an unparalleled dedication to all the students. I would lie if I say I didn't visit other websites or I didn’t survey much before taking up the course. Yes I did. But I was not very much satisfied with the curriculum they mentioned or even with the delivery of lectures.
I didn’t want to be taught by pre-recorded lectures and approach the mentors only when I had doubts. As I mentioned earlier, I have always been an average one and I did require that personal touch and push throughout. I did require that spoon feeding of concepts every now and then. None of the classes were boring, and mentors didn’t mind giving breaks at our feasibility. They were really friendly, very understanding and empathetic as well. I can openly say, I met the best mentors out there.
This is all I got here at Business Toys. Omkar made sure we attended the lectures well and came back to the next one with our own findings and charts. Secondly the price of the courses were quite affordable and covered almost all the aspects possible. At that point of time, nobody in the market was offering such a low price for the course with so many topics being covered- from basics of excel to advanced dashboards and tableau. All that I invested then has paid off well to me later.
I would like to mark this out, my business with Business Toys never ended. Till date, whenever and wherever, I get stuck, not only Omkar but any faculty out there is handy enough for help irrespective of what time it is. For instance, I would like to share, I am planning to go abroad for further studies and my choices always revolve around Canada. Even when I am no longer his student, Omkar sir counselled me for what to take up next and where from. Briefly, my relationship with people out there didn’t end when the course ended. WIth a strong understanding of statistics, I also built a strong relationship!
Business Toys made me ready for the market. When I quote this, I mean I was groomed and polished and was made presentable enough with every possible question I could expect in an interview. Also, Omkar sir had enough contacts in various companies and for each opening at these places we were notified regularly. The mentors pushed each student enough to different jobs according to their potential. Even at Kaseya, I got the opportunity in similar fashion. I don’t forget to mention even in my SOPs about how thankful and glad I am for taking up the program.
For all that I wrote so far, I assume it's evident enough how fond I am of the firm, still I miss no chance of mouthing to someone who is in lookout of such a career or also who is clueless about what career to opt for.
Hope you find it quite a step in decision making. Happy learning. Cheers!